Where Eagles Dare… Tour of the Beast!

Durante gli anni e grazie alla formazione a 3 chitarre la band ha avuto modo di eseguire senza compromessi più di 80 canzoni dall’intera discografia (tra cui gli album “Iron Maiden” e “The Number o the Beast” in occasione del trentennale dalla loro pubblicazione) nonché di ripercorrere per intero le scalette dei tour più famosi che periodicamente ripropone in serate evento.

During the years, thanks to the 3 guitars line-up, the band was been able to perform whithout compromises more than 80 songs from the entire discography (full “Iron Maiden” e “The Number o the Beast” albums in their 30th anniversary) as well to perform the great tour tracklist as was, periodically proposed as “event” gigs.

Live After Death (1985), Somewhere on Tour (1987), Maiden England (1988), Live at Donington (1992), Rock in Rio (2001), Death on the Road (2003), A Matter of the Beast (2007), Somewhere Back in Time (2009), Legacy of the Beast (2019).
Infinite dreams…